Throughout the years, Greenscape has tirelessly committed energy and resources into our employee training programs. We believe there exists a direct correlation between continuously training and employee gratification. Furthermore we find a similar correlation between engaged employees and the level of satisfaction they can provide to the client. Why then, one might ask, don’t you simply hire well trained employees? Training is acquired in many ways and retained to different degrees of success. We have found that the only way that we can truly expect employees to meet the expectations that are clearly outlined in our core principals is to train them ourselves at every level and with steadfast consistency.
Greenscape’s training is centered around two main programs,
- The Green Way
- The LS Training program
Both programs are thorough and essential to our employee’s success and therefore our success.
The first of the two programs, “The Green Way” is based highly on service delivery standards. Every service that Greenscape provides for a customer is clearly defined in detail and a step by step process is documented and reviewed. By defining our standards, a clear benchmark is set for our staff and to our clients as to the expectation. This service standard is consistent and upheld across all crews regardless of the branch or the region.
While Greenway focuses on service delivery, the LS training program (www.greenius.com) focuses on teaching employees the proper ways to operate equipment thus assuring efficiency and safety; two characteristics high among our core values. Having a strong understanding of how to effectively use the landscape tools and equipment is critical to delivering a service safely, while promoting service efficiency. New Employees are on-boarded with a set group of training modules, and as they become more proficient and skilled more modules are added to expand their skills.
We have found that having these programs in place has been to the benefit of our employees as well as to our clients. It allows both parties to be on the same page as far as service standards and also gives a guideline to evaluate how the relationship is progressing. An added value for multiple-property clients is that they can be assured of consistency across their portfolio regardless of size or location of the property or the project. The final step is a means of measurement. By mandating regular, random, written inspections and quality checks by managers, with “real time” feedback, we can easily identify the crews and the individual employees that we want to both attract and retain. When a perfect synergy is achieved, you can be sure that the question of “what company to choose” becomes an obvious one.
Greenscape’s Commitment to training was recently outlined in Landscape Management Magazine.
Check out the full interview HERE!